The Extended Leadership Team 2024-2025

Team Leaders

Team Wessex

Cardiff, Conway, Pembroke and Balmoral

Jo Davis

Team Norman 

Blaise, Skipton, Pendennis and Danby

Emma Butler

Team Tudor

Chillingham, Porchester, Tiverton and Dover

Louella Wilson

Team Stuart

Windsor, Oxford, Totnes and Carisbrooke

Liz Wiltshire

Team Lancaster

Odiham, Wallingford, Twizel and Calshot

Emily Craggs

Team Castle @ Theale

Arundel, Whittington, Thornbury and Conisburgh

Sam Raw

Pastoral Manager

The Hive

Jackie Hogg
Subject Co-ordinators
English and Communication

Karen Griffiths

Maths Becca Harris-Ivens
PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) Hayley O'Donnell