
We use a range of strategies to support pupils in developing their mathematical understanding, tailoring support to meet the needs of each pupil. Across the school we use Numicon, a multi-sensory learning resource. This supports pupils in gaining a concept of number, and can be used progressively to make sure pupils are moving on in their learning, not just in number, but in all areas of mathematics.  This supports pupils in moving on from using concrete apparatus to pictorial representations to recording abstractly using calculation signs.

We make use of a range of online Maths resources. We have subscribed to Education City, and use this to support learning in class, giving pupils the opportunity to practise skills learnt in different ways. Your child can access this at home – ask their teacher for their log-in.

Some pupils across the school are also using Doodle Maths - a Maths app, which tailors learning based responses from the child.  This is highly engaging, as it's a game format, with the opportunity to gain stars to access additional features, including choosing a pet and buying items for it! Pupils have time to access this 3 times a week for 20 minutes. Again, your child can access this at home – ask their teacher for their log-in.

All staff have had training to further embed secure Maths skills.

Click here to download a list of really useful websites that can be used to support your child at home with their Maths development.


Education City Logo

Doodle Maths Logo