Cows at Castle!

This week Secondary 1 had Jan from the Newbury and District agricultural society visit.  Jan explained all about cows and the food items we gain from a cow. Jan also explained about goat's milk. Jan went on to explain how goat's milk is made. Everyone was then given the opportunity to try a piece of goat's cheese. Tyler said it was delicious. Liam said it’s a little more creamy. Oliver popped it straight in! Dylan was very brave and gave it a try, but wasn’t too keen. Charlie and Riley really enjoyed it. The group also were able to milk Daisy the cow and Buttercup the goat. Jan went on to show how to make sausages. She introduced us to Rasher the pig. Tyler said "wow are we really going to make sausages in school today!" We found out that sausages come from all over the world, just with a different mixture of herbs in them. Jan said "before I put the meat and herbs through the machine, I need to put something here to catch the meat." Thomas said "a sausage skin". Tyler was excited and said "I can’t wait to see this!" Jan showed the skins are from the inside of a pig. Wilson said "I know what part, it looks like the intestines!"

Thank you Jan; Dover, Colchester, Danby and Tiverton found this very interesting and really enjoyed your visit as always.