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  • 28/11/22
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    Letter from West Berkshire Foodbank

    Dear Staff and pupils at Castle School, On behalf of the trustees of the West Berks Foodbank, I am writing to send my sincere thanks for your recent generous donation of goods from the staff and pupils of the school following your harvest festival collections.   Please find attached a cer...
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  • 16/11/22
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    NHS Toileting Training Intervention Workshops

    The NHS are offering a Toilet Training Intervention Workshop on 12th January at Love Lane. Download the leaflet below to find out more
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  • 15/11/22
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    Castle's Food Bank Delivery

    Thank you so much to everyone who sent in produce and products at the end of last term for our Harvest Celebration day. On Thursday 10th November 5 students from the P4PC group delivered these items to West Berkshire Foodbank at Greenham Common. The students were very lucky in having a tour of...
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  • 10/11/22
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    Skipton's Firework Poems

    Skipton Class have been working really hard in their English work, focusing on creating descriptive language. We watched a video of fireworks and discussed what we could see, hear and how we felt, developing interesting vocabulary and using their own experiences to add to this. We then created a cla...
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  • 07/11/22
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    Thank you to Monument Close Co-op

    Thank you to the amazing Co-op members for raising a whopping £1131.51 for Friends of The Castle School. Your efforts are most appreciated and the money will help to enhance the lives of students at our school.
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  • 03/11/22
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    Harvest Festival Celebration

    On the last Friday of term, we had a whole school Harvest Festival celebration. As part of this, classes set up stalls in our secondary hall with various activities. Here are some pictures of the wonderful event.  
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  • 01/11/22
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    West Berkshire Local Offer

    To read the latest edition of the SEND Local Offer please click the link below. You can also find out lots of information on their website by clicking here
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  • 31/10/22
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    Walk and a cuppa - 2nd December

    The Castle Pastoral Team and The Castle Gate Team would like to invite all parents and carers to a walk followed by a cup of tea or coffee and a slice of cake on Friday 2nd December 2022 just after morning drop-off (about 9am). Please meet outside Castle Gate, just after morning drop off, th...
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  • 31/10/22
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    Castle School Bake-Off

    Our school council group (P4PC) planned a brilliant Harvest festival celebration day, for the end of term. Everyone enjoyed taking part in the activities in the hall, including a harvest collage, harvest games and crafts and even a remote-controlled car race, around the tin can food bank donations...
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  • 18/10/22
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    Sibling Support Online Workshops

    Swings and Smiles are offering SIBSupport workshops online. Please click below to download the leaflet for more information
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  • 07/10/22
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    Food Bank Collection

    Dear Parents and Carers, Our Pupils for Positive Change (P4PC) group would like to arrange a food bank collection, to help the local community. Please can you help us with the collection? If you are able to make a donation, please send this in with your child, to give to their class teacher, by t...
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  • 05/10/22
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    A Trip with Bruce Boats

    Tiverton class went to Great Bedwyn Wharf on a boat trip. Each group had 2 days of learning. We listened and we learnt lots about the boat. We learnt to steer the boat using a tiller, this moved the rudder and the boat moved from the back end changing direction. “It was fun, I never thought...
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