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  • 07/06/24
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    Cows at Castle!

    This week Secondary 1 had Jan from the Newbury and District agricultural society visit.  Jan explained all about cows and the food items we gain from a cow. Jan also explained about goat's milk. Jan went on to explain how goat's milk is made. Everyone was then given the opportunity...
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  • 03/06/24
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    Youlbury Trip Part 2

    Secondary 1 go adventurous, part 2. Our second group headed off to Youlbury just before the holidays. Here are some quotes and pictures of the day: "Monday was the best day, because it was sunny and calm" said Oliver G "It was very busy and very nice. I did crate stacking. It...
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  • 03/06/24
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    Welcome Back

    Welcome back to all our wonderful students, staff and parents for the start of term 6. There are lots of summer events coming up, including sports days and performances. Please read the latest news and calendar for more information. We will also send out emails about other events. The last day...
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  • 23/05/24
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    Wishing Everyone a Wonderful Half-Term

    Dear Parents and Carers, As usual, each class has produced a Class Newsletter with lots of lovely information on what they have been doing as well as some pictures of learning. You can read the newsletters by clicking the link below: The Castle School - Class Newsletters (thecastlesc...
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  • 23/05/24
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    Half Term Activities at Waterside

    Waterside Centre will be running some activity youth club this half-term for secondary aged pupils. Please click on the flyer to find out more.
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  • 10/05/24
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    Agricultural Challenge Success

    Windsor have been working really hard, all year, on our Agricultural Challenge, which forms a big part of our coursework.  Today Windsor went to the final, with special schools from across Berkshire, and we are very pleased to say that we won first prize overall!  Windsor also won the foll...
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  • 09/05/24
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    Shop 'till you Drop

    This term in life skills, Chillingham class have been focusing on independent shopping skills! Over the last two weeks, pupils have put these skills to the test with class trips to Tesco on the London Road! The pupils went to Tesco on the mini bus for the first time this year, and walked around the...
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  • 08/05/24
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    Social Media Workshop for young people

    There is a workshop being run for young people 12+ at The Waterside Centre on 28th May. Please see the flyer below for further details.
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  • 01/05/24
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    Secondary 1 Go Adventurous!

    Secondary 1 Go adventurous! This was our first trip to Youlbury this year, the group were split into 3 and had enjoyed their first activity of either archery, abseiling or crate stacking. We look forward to returning on 20th May. Watch this space for an update!  You will find two write...
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  • 25/04/24
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    Skipton at The Paddock

    This term, Skipton class have been lucky enough to have been invited to visit Stable Future’s Forest school ‘The Paddock’.  They had their first session there yesterday.  The children enjoyed all the activities that their forest school leader ‘V’ set up for th...
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  • 23/04/24
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    WOW at Newbury Races

    We had a fantastic World of Work visit this week. Two of our students - Sam and Connor - went to work experience at Newbury Racecourse, where they assisted the stewards checking tickets, as customers arrived for the "Dubai Duty Free Spring Trials" on Friday 19th April. We were give...
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  • 15/04/24
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    Welcome Back

    Welcome back to all our wonderful students, staff and parents for the start of term 5. We are all looking forward to the weather improving during this term, which I'm sure it will.  Remember that we have a bank holiday on Monday 6th May 2024, when school will be closed. The last da...
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