Latest News

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  • 14/07/21
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    Messing about on the river

    Tiverton Class were extremely lucky to receive a free trip along the canal. We would like to say a huge thank you to David Bruce, who runs adapted boats along the Kennet and Avon Canal.  Tiverton class had the full use of the boat for a whole day. The trip started at Great Bedwyn Wharf and w...
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  • 09/07/21
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    Castle Pupils support West Berkshire Foodbank

    P4PC (Pupils 4 Positive Change) pupils organised a whole school food bank collection because they wanted to help their local community. Thank you to everyone who donated food to our collection. Green bubble P4PC members visited the West Berkshire Foodbank warehouse at Greenham Business...
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  • 29/06/21
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    The Castle Dragon

    P4PC organised a whole school art project to help the whole school feel united, whilst in bubbles. Every pupil in the school painted a milk bottle, in their bubble colour. Windsor class worked very hard to turn the milk bottles into an amazing dragon, which will be displayed on main site for everyon...
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  • 25/06/21
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    Amazing Exam Success at The Castle

    In the weeks leading up to half-term, some students in Key Stage 4 and 5 had their Functional Skills exams in English and Mathematics. Despite the disruption caused by Covid over this past year, students and staff have continued to work hard to ensure all topics have been covered and that knowledge...
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  • 23/06/21
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    Castle School Sports Leaders

    We have recently chosen 5 new Sports Leaders at The Castle School. They had to go through a very tough selection process which comprised of completing an application form and then having an interview. 10 pupils completed the application they were all interviewed then 5 were given the Sports Le...
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  • 22/06/21
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    James and The Giant Peach

    Tiverton Class have been working hard on their performance of James and The Giant Peach. You can watch their fantastic version below.  
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  • 16/06/21
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    West Berkshire Local Offer Newsletter

    West Berkshire have just released their latest Local Offer Newsletter, which contains loads of information and advice. Click below to download or  The newsletter can also be found via the West Berkshire website:
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  • 14/06/21
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    Blue Bubble Fitness and Picnic

    Before half-term the whole of blue bubble went to the forest for a picnic. In cooking Totnes and Oxford made flapjacks, jelly and sandwiches for our lunch. We enjoyed being able to sit altogether to eat our lunch. In English, we have been looking at healthy eating and fitness. We were given a cha...
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  • 11/06/21
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    UPDATED Covid Protocols

    Dear Parents and Carers, Please find the latest protocols for pupils and parents in the link below or by heading to the Covid Protocol section of our website by clicking here. There have been some key changes, so please read the document carefully. The main changes are: Pupils do not nee...
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  • 10/06/21
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    World of Work

    We are very excited because this week as we have been able to get all of our World of Work + students into their work placements for the first time sine the beginning of lockdown last year! This is so important for our students in order to develop their real world skills relating to work. This will...
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  • 09/06/21
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    The Big PTA Summer Raffle 2021

    Dear Parents and Carers, We have teamed up with Parentkind to run a fantastic raffle with a chance to win up to £5000 and raise money for Friends of Castle at the same time. To find out more click here to go to the Big Raffle website page for our school. You can also find out more by...
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  • 07/06/21
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    Welcome Back

    Welcome back to the final term of this school year. Where has the time gone?  This would normally be a time of lots of face-to-face events at school, but unfortunately, this will not be the case this year. However, pupils will still be taking part in visits and outdoor activities to enhance...
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