Latest News

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  • 10/05/22
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    Table Cricket for Wallingford

    On Tuesday 3rd of May, a group of students from Post 16 attended a table cricket tournament at Addington School.  They played against students from 3 other schools and won 2 out of their 3 games, meaning they managed to make it through to the final against Kennet School.  Everyone played a...
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  • 06/05/22
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    Windsor win!

    Windsor class have been working very hard all year towards the Agricultural Challenge. We have also had some help from some other students from KS4. Today Windsor class went to the final and communicated really well with the judges. It was great to see students and staff from other special schools i...
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  • 28/04/22
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    Come along to our coffee morning

    Please click below to download a leaflet about our upcoming coffee morning. There is also some useful information about benefit entitlement, grants and support with energy bills, so please take a look.
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  • 27/04/22
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    Youlbury Fun

    On Tuesday 26th April, Tiverton and Dover went to Youlbury, a Scout Adventure Centre. One group went abseiling and the other group went crate stacking. It was so exciting and amazing!  Johney said, “My heart was pounding when I was crate stacking”.  Archie said, “It...
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  • 25/04/22
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    Welcome Back

    Dear Parents and Carers, I hope that everyone managed to have a good Easter. As we return to school for this term, I thought that I would issue our latest protocols again just so that everyone is clear on what we need to do in respect of Covid-19. Even though coronavirus is not in the news as...
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  • 08/04/22
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    Wishing everyone a wonderful Easter

    We wish all Castle School children and families a wonderful Easter break. We look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Monday 25th April 2022
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  • 31/03/22
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    Updated protocols 1.4.22

    Dear Parents and Carers, As you will no doubt know, the last of the remaining restrictions in England are being removed tomorrow. However, there is still guidance issued by the government that we all need to follow in order to help keep everyone safe. I have updated the protocols, attached below...
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  • 31/03/22
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    West Berkshire Local Offer

    Please click the link below to read West Berkshire's latest local offer newsletter.
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  • 28/03/22
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    A visit from Buttercup and Clover

    On Thursday, Secondary 1 students received a visit from Jan from Newbury & District Agricultural Society and her wooden farmyard friends, Buttercup and Clover! Students took part in two workshops and had the opportunity to milk Buttercup and Clover.    The first workshop w...
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  • 21/03/22
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    Raising money for Ukraine

    As part of their Ukraine fundraising project, Dover and Tiverton made bacon and veggie butties to sell to staff for £3. Students worked in groups and were responsible for completing certain jobs. Jobs included: cooking bacon and veggie sausages, buttering rolls, spreading sauces, wrapping and...
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  • 18/03/22
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    Outdoor Fayre for Ukraine

    Tiverton and Dover class have been learning about the Ukraine conflict presently happening. From these lessons Albie suggested we try and help by raising some money. Through project lessons, lead by the pupils ideas we created a cake sale and fun games at an outdoor fayre to happen over a lunchtime...
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  • 18/03/22
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    Tiverton Short Story Competition

    Tiverton class worked very hard on writing short stories last term, they learnt about everything that is needed to make a fabulous story and then they went about writing their own. They all did so well we entered the stories into a competition run by Laura Farris the local MP for West Berkshire. All...
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