Welcome to the new school year

Dear Parent/Carer,


Myself, along with the whole staff team, are all so pleased to be welcoming back all of our students this September as well as welcoming all the new starters to our Castle School family.  I am very excited to see all the wonderful learning opportunities that will take place in the weeks and months ahead.

Things will, undoubtable, continue to be a bit different, but we are starting to move back to some sort of normality. I have sent you a detailed email with the protocols attached, which I hope makes sense. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me or a member of the senior leadership team.



The latest protocols for pupils and parents can be found here https://www.thecastleschoolnewbury.org.uk/page/?title=Castle+School+Parent%2FPupil+protocols&pid=58  . It is very important that you read these as there are things that everyone needs to do in order to ensure everyone’s safety and wellbeing.


Term Dates

Just to remind you, pupils will return to school tomorrow, Friday 3rd September. Our new term dates are now on our website, which you can find by clicking https://www.thecastleschoolnewbury.org.uk/page/?title=Term+Dates&pid=24


Pick-up and Drop-off times

These will remain the same as last year. Pupils can go into the school at 8.50am and will leave at 3pm. If you are dropping off or picking up your child, please try and not park on the school site to help with congestion. If you do have to, please make sure that you do not come onto the school site until 8.40am in the morning and 2.50pm in the afternoon at the very earliest.


If you have any questions, now or in the coming weeks, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher, the team leader or senior leadership team member (as shown on the protocol’s sheet attached) and we will endeavour to help.

Best wishes,

Jon Hewitt


The Castle School