A September Welcome

Dear Parent/Carer,

As I said last week, I am sending you updated information about the return to school. Below I have included the information I sent out last week and added some additional information that you will hopefully find useful.

We are all so pleased to be welcoming back all of our students this September.  This has been such a strange and disconcerting time for so many reasons.  Not least, missed learning, socialisation and structure. We very much hope that your child will quickly adjust into a new routine.  Don't worry, we will be there to guide them and offer reassurance and support.

Whilst we have endeavoured to keep much of what we do as familiar as possible, it will clearly be different.  There will be lots of changes to learn and embed.  This is the same for all classes and staff.  Please bear with us as we all learn this new routine together.  It is likely to throw up a few bumps along the way.

We will do our upmost to meet your child's needs and the provision, as detailed in their EHCP.  However, this may, at times, be compromised by our other duty to keep everyone safe and healthy. Teachers will be thinking creatively about how to do this and still ensure that your child gets the support they need.  This is not an easy task to achieve, however we are determined to do the best job that we are able to do.

A safe environment

We have worked hard to ensure that our school is as safe as possible. We want everyone to return to us and we want you to feel secure that your child is safe with us. 


The latest protocols for pupils and parents can be found here https://www.thecastleschoolnewbury.org.uk/page/?title=Castle+School+Parent%2FPupil+protocols&pid=58  . It is very important that you read these as there are things that everyone needs to do in order to ensure everyone’s safety and wellbeing.

Pupil transitions

We understand that some pupils who are new to the school and some who find transitions particularly difficult will need support in getting into the school. As such, parents can, on Friday, bring their child into the class if they wish, although we would like to keep this to a minimum so that we do not have over-crowding in our school transition areas. Parents who do want to enter the school building will need to wear a mask and will only be able to stay for a short period of time. 

Term Dates

Just to remind you, pupils will return to school on Friday 4th September. Our new term dates are now on our website, which you can find by clicking https://www.thecastleschoolnewbury.org.uk/page/?title=Term+Dates&pid=24

Pick-up and Drop-off times

Due to the way our Bubbles are set up, we are going to start with a single drop-off and Pick-up time. This will ensure some normality for our pupils. As such, pupils can go into the school at 8.50am and will leave at 3pm. If you are dropping off or picking up your child, please try and not park on the school site to help with congestion. If you do have to, please make sure that you do not come onto the school site until 8.40am in the morning and 2.50pm in the afternoon at the very earliest.

We will, of course, review drop-off and pick-up times to see if they are working and will make changes if necessary.


Pupils will need to be in school uniform on their return to school. However, we are aware that there have been some challenges with the local uniform supplier and some significant delays on orders being processed. As such, if you have been unable to get an embroidered top then we are happy for your child to wear a plain black/blue or burgundy jumper/cardigan for the moment. Remember, you can buy plain white polo shirts, black or grey school trousers and skirts from other outlets if you need.

If you have any concerns about the uniform, please do not worry.


As I said last week, I very much look forward to welcoming all our amazing pupils back on Friday as well as all our new starters.

In addition, I plan to do a short video to send to you tomorrow to help pupils feel positive and safe about coming back. 

If you have any questions, now or in the coming weeks, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher, the team leader or SLT member (as shown on the protocol’s sheet attached) and we will endeavour to help.

Best wishes,

Jon Hewitt


The Castle School